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Explore Geography

  1. Grades K-2
  2. Grades 3-5


Explore your world map and master basic navigational skills. Build a real spinning globe! Collect Atlas cards to make your own travel book, filled with fascinating facts and photos.Read more

Academic Standards

  1. RI.2.7: English Language Arts > Reading: Informational Texts

From the desk of the product designer:

Behind the design

Young adventurers get an epic introduction to the entire globe with this crate, complete with loads of fun facts!

- KiwiCo Product Designer

By the numbers


Globe stand prototypes


Sunken ship locations


Fun facts discovered during research



15 reviews

Customer images

    Travis B


    I love the globe and this crate is cool and its for social studies for my online school called time4leaning

    Travis B's image 1



    We do homeschooling and these crates are already perfect for including in our lesson plan - but this first Atlas crate meshed with our Core Knowledge contintents, countries and maps lessons PERFECTLY!

    Mom of 2


    Purchased this after hearing several of my acquaintances are teaching their kids countries over the summer. This crate includes a large map, a globe, world map questionnaire and an adventure book. We spread this crate over several days. 1 day learning longitude & latitude from the world map questionnaire/challenge(like locating amazing animals and ocean explorations) Next we took time to learn about each 7 wonders of the world in depth and another day learning the 7 summits of the world-(all included in the world map questionnaire/challenge) I also purchased an additional Country Crate while we wait for the next shipment in this 3 pack. Pleasantly surprised on how many little activities that are in this 1st shipment and interesting world facts.



    Sofia was so excited to assemble the globe and put together the book. We learned so much from the information on the continent cards!



    My boys loved the adventure book that came worth the create. It has plastic pages that won’t rip and we can add to each month.



    The kids loved putting the globe together and experiment with a flashlight to find out why their Oma in Germany would have nighttime when it was still daytime in the US. Awesome visual for them!

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